Niederlande setzen eine Abschiebungen nach Italien aus

Einstweilige Anordnung der Verwaltungsabteilung des Staatsrats (Höchstes Gericht der Niederland) in Erwartung eines Urteils. Der Grund für diese Anordnung ist, dass es schon Eilanordnungen des EGMR gegen Abschiebungen nach Italien gab und der EGMR die Qualität des italienischen Asylsystems in Zweifel zieht.

Maschinenübersetzung mit Korrekturen:

Pending the appeal of December 3, 2010 (10/25730) on the application for an asylum permit, the [foreigner] asked to take a [temporary decision]. The stranger says that in Italy the processing of asylum claims [is] in breach of EU law and that the Minister in this respect should have used its authority to the application to voluntarily withdraw themselves in light of art. 3 paragraph 2 DV. He also maintained that a number of the ECHR decisions based on Rule 39 in relation to Italy’s interim measures suggest that the ECHR doubts the quality of asylum in Italy. He also stated that Italy has ignored interim measures in some cases. The [foreigner] was announced on January 28, 2011 to be [deported]. In light of the ruling of the ECHR (MSS against Belgium and Greece) of 21 January 2011 (30696/09), the president sees reason now to determine that the [foreigner] will not be released until the parties at the hearing on the request cite elated and then the President has ruled. The treatment will in the short term, but not before the proposed transfer date. Temporary Decision given.

